Featured on PawnGuru

We were really excited to be featured by PawnGuru as it really highlights some of the hard work we have been doing.   You can see the full featured article here or you can just read this post for some of the highlights from the write up.

(Joe Ellis)…. describes his store as an exclusive jewelry shop with high-end goods.
“Eight out of ten people that walk in, say it is the nicest pawn shop they have ever walked into,” Ellis said. “We keep it very clean and organized.”

The Silver Dollar knows 75% of everyone who walks through their doors. The business has been creating real relationships, and as a result many first time customers become repeat customers.

Depending on pawn shops near you, you will find a variety of cool items available for purchase. For Ellis, he has seen it all; including, a 1931 National Style-O steal guitar, bear skin rugs, elephant foot stools and a classic 1956 Chevy.

To Ellis, the most memorable was when he was working at his father’s shop. A British war veteran came in to pawn his old plume, sword, war medals, complete diary and letters from the Crimean War.
“I thought that was epic,” Ellis said. “I have no idea what happened to the gentleman, but we never sold it. We just put it on display in the shop, and my family still has it to this day.”

Do you have something interesting that you are looking to pawn? Make sure you contact us first to get top dollar and the best rates in the Atlanta Area.